This is an exciting summer on Broadhalfpenny Down as the ground commemorates 250 years since that defining match between the men of Hampshire and All England. In a humble echo, the Brigands’ fixture list reflects both our traditional opposition and a good sprinkling of other historic wandering teams, as well as the pleasing return of some mid-week evening games.
There will be much that can be done by everyone to help to make the 24th and 25th June successful days, and I hope as many members as possible will be there to meet, host and watch a historic couple of cricket matches that we hope will support the Trust as well.
The Brigands’ own season has begun in a lively and mostly successful manner on the field, albeit with much-needed rain making occasional unwelcome appearances, and the new electronic scoreboard is a real enhancement, provided and underwritten through the great generosity of a very small number of members. It would be very good indeed if further contributions to this were offered, please.
Those who have enjoyed the experience of playing on the ‘refurbished’ square, heavily scarified and with its new topping from last September, all agree that the evidence so far is that it has been a success. A far better ‘carry’ and decent bounce, with still the odd surprise but an overall even and fair surface is going to prove well worth the effort. Harry and Rod deserve our thanks once more, and it looks superb as well.
With the Covid pandemic hopefully in the rearview mirror now, it’s high time that we returned fully to normal. To that end, we will run our traditional Quiz Night on the 16th July and have a good Raffle running throughout most of the season. And then on 3rd September, the plan is to go on tour to Cornwall for a 3-match tour. Please do take part if you can, as Brigands tours are always memorable!
The club is trying as hard as it can to make full use of all the means of communicating at its disposal. The Broadhalfpenny Down website is really excellent, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. Please do spread the word widely, and of course, it’s always good to welcome new members to the club.
…And finally… Would anyone like to offer their services and serve on our committee? Please let me know if you’d like to. It’s a rewarding experience and fun, and we have a vacancy or two coming up.
Good luck to everyone during the busy cricketing weeks ahead!