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The Brigands Grace, 2023

Brigands CC

The Grace, read by incoming President Clive Barnett, at the 2023 Dinner held at the Bat & Ball;

Our bag is green and made of canvas, strong and leather bound,

Overfilled with kit we’ve purchased, borrowed, begged or found;

Emptied out on summer evenings when it doesn’t rain,

But frankly half the stuff it holds we’ll never use again.

Worn-out gloves with pimply rubber stitched up to the knuckles,

Floppy pads with leather straps & little jingly buckles,

All marked ‘Portsmouth Grammar School’ in prominent positions,

And some with names of other clubs, nicked from the opposition.

Dear Lord, For food, for fellowship, and the sheer joy of playing the game that binds us all, we humbly give you thanks.


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